Our Pharmacy

At PrescriptionCounter, we are a community pharmacy dedicated to providing convenient and accessible healthcare services to our local community. Our team of experienced pharmacists are committed to delivering exceptional care and personalized attention to every patient. In addition to our traditional prescription dispensing services, we offer a range of innovative pharmacy services designed to meet your healthcare needs

9:00AM to 5:00PM
Monday to Friday
10:00AM to 2:00PM

Our Services

Private Prescriptions
Whether you already have a private prescriptions or are in need of one; we have you covered. We offer competitive prices on private dispensing and have our own in house independent prescriber.
Travel Clinic & Anti-Malarials
At Prescription Counter, we provide a full range of travel clinic services including travel vaccinations and malaria tablets. Get travel advice and necessary vaccinations or medications before your next trip.
Health Screenings
We provide on-site health screenings for conditions like high blood pressure, occupational health blood tests , vitamin d test , well man and well woman blood tests.
Medication Reviews
Our pharmacists review your medications to ensure optimal effectiveness and identify any potential interactions or side effects.
Yellow Fever Centre
Prescription Counter Pharmacy & Travel Clinic also ffers the Yellow Fever vaccine, to keep you and your loved ones safe on your travels.
Pharmacy First
Get quick and convenient treatment for minor ailments like sore throats, sinusitis, and urinary tract infections without needing a GP appointment.

Contact Us

We are not open to the public to visit in person. All our services are provided online, by phone, or by post. Our pharmacists are available during our advertised business hours. The Website is accessible 24/7.
